One of the reasons I made this site is because I suffer from list-o-mania. That is, that I enjoy to put everything I can in lists, tables or databases. Early in my time as a ‘Dazzer’ I realized that even with a small library of assets it would be hard to stay above the chaos of illogical folder structure. A huge library would be completely hopeless. So a database was the only way to go. With that I can keep track of all my orders across all sites, all items in all orders, the listed prise and paid amount for all items, all items organized in categories and themes and where to find them in the ‘Content Library’ pane. Of cause it takes time to maintain a database like this, but Damn this has saves me a lot of time, that I otherwise would’ve wasted in searching.
Another well known thing is that most other ‘Dazzers’ have loads of content, that they’ve never used and completly forgot they’ve bought. I’m no different. Because of that, with every finished render I upload to any site, I note in my database all assets that I’ve used for that render. With that I can make a query and see what items I’ve used the most, and what I haven’t used at all. Still I’ve done some way to extensive shopping over the years, so I’ve a huge list of outfits and environments, that I so far haven’t used
Black And White | ||
TAXI!! | Storm Trooper Training | |
Lady In Red | Ride With Us |