The sale season continues. This year the Platinum Club is much better than the PA sale.
- Mushroom House
- The Meeting Lodge Interior
- Candelabras with Morphing Candle
- Hog and Barrel Pub Interior
- Hog and Barrel Pub Exterior
- WonderW for G3F
Mushroom House I dont have any smurfs. But I can do a sequel to my "Carry the Moon Crystals" render. The Meeting Lodge Interior. The place for a gentlemens club or a secret society. Candelabras with Morphing Candle. a versatile set of props. Even when they most likly will be in the background. Hog and Barrel Pub Interior and Exterior. Here I was supprised. Two great and brand new environments put on sale for next to nothing. I just had to have them. Wonder Woman Some time ago I found a new site with a lot of outfits from other well known franchises. Maybe I'll do a fanart mash up.
Highlighted items as promo images